Trap / Skeet Rates
Trap and Skeet shooting are big at South River! We hold tournaments throughout the year in both and feature fully automatic Pat Traps and Canterbury Voice Release Systems for our Trap Shoots.
Member Rate:
$6.00 per Round (Single Round)
$5.50 per Round (25 Round Shoot Card)
$5.00 per Round (50 Round Shoot Card)
Non-Member Rate:
$9.50 per Round
School-Related Rate:
$7.00 per Round
Download Membership Applications
Interested in becoming a member of South River Gun Club? Print the ‘New Member Application’ linked below and submit the completed form to our office during business hours. Individuals seeking to renew their annual membership will use the ‘Renewal Form’ to continue the benefits of their membership. A copy of our ‘Liability Waiver’ must be signed every year and on-file for every registered member before entering the facility.

Contact South River Gun Club