Memberships and Renewals

Thank you for your interest in South River Gun Club. New Memberships in South River Gun Club cost $372 per year (April to April) with a $500 non-refundable new member service fee charged on your first year. Dues are prorated for new members according to when they join during their first year, so call our office for more details. You must also be a current member of the NRA, as we are a 100% NRA membership club.

As a member, all Rifle and Pistol Ranges are available to you at no additional cost. As an additional benefit, your immediate household family members are included with your membership, expanding an already great value. You may also bring guests for our Rifle and Pistol Ranges for a charge of $40 per day per person. Members also receive reduced rates on Trap and Skeet Shooting with rounds as low as $5.00 (a savings of up to $4.50 off non-member rates).

South River Gun Club gladly accepts credit payments for membership registrations and renewals. To print or download a copy of our New Member Application, Membership Renewal Form or our Liability Waiver, click the PDF files linked below. Once complete, mail the form(s) to the address at the top of the application along with your remittance or bring the forms to our office during regular business hours.

Membership Applications and View Rules

Interested in becoming a member of South River Gun Club? Print the ‘New Member Application’ linked below and submit the completed form to our office during business hours. Individuals seeking to renew their annual membership will use the ‘Renewal Form’ to continue the benefits of their membership. A copy of our ‘Liability Waiver’ must be signed every year and on-file for every registered member before entering the facility.